What is BirthSignature™?
It is your own specific movement repertoire and posture that makes you you; it is about discovering and mastering your own style of moving and positioning your body during labour and birth.
Through the tools of movement therapy, it’s easy for you to discover your own BirthSignature™ and how to use it when you need it, especially at labour and giving birth. It’s not rocket science, but simply understanding, valuing and using what you have to offer as a woman.
This is a lot – it’s all that you need.
What is a birth preparation coach?
In my case, I am an experienced private birth coach dedicated to helping you achieve the birth you really want. Think of me as someone who assists parents to joyfully prepare for the arrival of their new baby.
Having a birth preparation coach can absolutely change your pregnancy and birth experience and decrease the natural anxiety that comes with it. If you are a first-time parent, the number of questions you have can be almost endless, and navigating the myriad of parenting resources available to you (especially on the internet) can be confusing. I’m here to help you find your own road to motherhood – one that needn’t be overwhelming.
Will you be present at my birth?
No, your LMC will care for you medically during pregnancy (prenatal time), labour and birth (intra-partum) and up to six weeks after your baby is born (postpartum). However, through my workshops and on-on-one coaching, I offer additional independent support. This might include pointing you to the latest evidence-based research, and explaining all your options (and clarifying their pros and cons) so that you feel confident in your decisions. The topics we cover can be related to your pregnancy, labour, birth, to your newborn baby, or how to “baby-proof” your own home – it’s up to you.
Do you offer medical or prenatal care?
No, your LMC will care for you medically during pregnancy (prenatal time), labour and birth (intra-partum) and up to six weeks after your baby is born (postpartum). However, through my workshops and on-on-one coaching, I offer additional independent support. This might include pointing you to the latest evidence-based research, and explaining all your options (and clarifying their pros and cons) so that you feel confident in your decisions. The topics we cover can be related to your pregnancy, labour, birth, to your newborn baby, or how to “baby-proof” your own home – it’s up to you.
Who benefits from using a childbirth consultant?
- Any woman who wants to feel confident in her own ability to give birth. I want to turn those seeds of “I hope I can do this” into seeds of faith, so that you feel in your gut, “I know I can do this”.
- Women – and partners – who welcome the transformation into motherhood, and who won’t settle for less than the best version of themselves.
- Women who feel fearful and anxious of what lies ahead and who want to make the “right” decisions, finding their way to more love and happiness.
- Women – and families/whanau – who have special circumstances or needs who would benefit from additional, mental, emotional and physical support.
- Or just women – and their partners – who value an independent, holistic health professional offering tailored, evidence-based information paired with mindfulness and topped up with practical suggestions. Women – and partners – who want to take control of their mental, emotional and physical journey into mother/fatherhood.
Where do you provide services?
In, and 15km around, Auckland.
Can I create my own package?
Yes, of course. Options can be mixed and matched, as it’s important that they suit your individual needs. Please get in contact with me to discuss.
How many one-on-one sessions will I need?
Usually you need one session for a clear plan that outlines “where you are now”, and the tools necessary to get to “where you want to be”. Together these will support your dream birth and provide your newborn with a healthy start.
What if I have special circumstances?
Life is full of circumstances, and I see them all as an opportunity to grow and to learn. Sometimes life offers us small challenges; other times, however, the challenges we deal with are much larger. Whatever it is, I feel privileged that you are considering putting your trust in me. I will do my best to support you, or refer you to somebody else if I think it’s better. I am experienced at working with women with special circumstances such as living in difficult relationships; single parents; women who have had a traumatic birth experience; women expecting a baby with special needs, or living with a family member with disabilities; or even facing a still birth and death. Please feel free to ring me first. That way you can make your own mind up as to whether I am the right person to help you. Being a midwife, studying for four years, working as a movement therapist and facing my own life challenges such as growing up with a disabled mother, experiencing miscarriages and losing my husband has helped me not only to help others, it has inspired me to follow my desire to be a life-long learner, and to make the world into a better place.
Can I call you if I’m anxious?
I would love to say yes to everybody but I would rather that you learn how to best deal with anxiety yourself. Emotions like anxiety or fear are clear messages. They say, “hey it’s time to face me”. Often what you’re feeling is simply the anticipation of childbirth itself: it’s going to happen soon and you need to be prepared for it. So, simply: take action and “be prepared”, emotionally, mentally and physically. This is what I can help you with.
Can my whole family be included in the one-on-on sessions?
Generally speaking, I would say “yes, of course” – the decision is up to you. However, our complementary phone conversation might clarify your needs, and might help you make this decision.
How do I contact you?
You can contact me via email contact@sabinamidwife.com or cellphone 027 227 3187 during normal business hours.
Can my whole family attend a workshop?
Sorry no. All workshops and courses are specifically designed for you and your birth partner only.
What should I bring? Do I need to bring lunch?
Please dress comfortably; bring your own blanket and something that you might want to take with you into the birthing room, such as your own pillow, a picture or a toy (this is optional). Each workshop or course will offer more information on this. In general, I offer different herbal teas, fresh water, fruit and healthy snacks. Usually, we all bring along a healthy plate for a shared lunch at the weekend workshops.
Will you be accepting of us as a same sex expecting couple?
Sabina Just
Registered Midwife, MMid, RN and Movement Therapist (DMT)
p 027 2273187
e contact@sabinamidwife.com