BirthSignature™ WORKSHOP
Information & Booking Form
The workshop is a truly immersive experience in a supportive environment, dedicated to your birth.
It prepares you physically and emotionally for labour and birth, and offers inside into the first few days of living with a newborn baby.
- Establish your birth-confidence through discovering and practicing your own BirthSignature™
- Gain core-confidence for childbirth through mastering the essential emotional and physical connection within yourself
- Learn how to work with this functional pain, connect and practice your own BirthSignature™ through a dynamic labour rehearsal
- Help you to reflect and validate on your birth values and needs in order to make wise choices achieve the birth you desire
- Become inspirited to guide your birth partner so they can guide you towards a meaningful birth experience
- Establish a deep heartfelt connection to your unborn baby
- Help you to enjoy your pregnancy and establish a clear birth action and support plan for your upcoming birth and beyond
Our gathering between the experiential learning offers opportunity to share experiences and scientific insights
Ideally, you should attend this workshop when you are between 24 -36 weeks of pregnancy.
Cost (Your Investment) 2024:
TBA / Women BirthSignature Workshop PLUS one evening with birthing partner
Time Commitment Involved:
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 10 am – 17 pm (women only)
After the workshop: women with partner evening: 6 pm - 8.30 pm
Auckland area: venue advised at booking
Dates For 2024 Workshops:
Due to the completion of my PhD, I will not be hosting any workshops until 2025. Thank you for your understanding and continued support. I look forward to resuming workshops in the 2025. If you have any questions feel free and call me :-)
Starting in April
How Pay/Register:
Use the booking form below to register yourself. Sabina will confirm and make arrangements for your payment via bank deposit or cash.
BirthSignature™ WORKSHOP Booking Form
Please fill in your details and let us know your preferred workshop below. Sabina will be in touch to confirm your place. Payment can be made by cash or bank deposit.